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On this page you will find some example-compositions that demonstrate how to use the pdoom_one plugins. You'll need the visualJockey main application in order to use these files.


Blob3D in alphacube (437 KB)

Shows how to insert Blobs into an existing 3D scene


Evaluator3D technical boom (34 KB)

Evaluator-generated 3D object using heightmap, LowQ applied to output.

Evaluator3D sphere with hmap (99 KB)

Shows how to distort an evaluator object using a heightmap.

Evaluator3D torus with hmap (17 KB)

Another heightmap example. 'i loop' and 'j loop' are used here to close the torus on all sides.

Evaluator3D tunnel with hmap (20 KB)

Demonstrates use of heightmap and 'i loop'.

Evaluator3D object with masked wireframe rendering (24 KB)

Shows how to render parts of an evaluator object as wireframe.

Inside an Evaluator3D torus using hmap (22 KB)

Good example of morphing heightmaps.

Evaluator3D pump it up (16 KB)

Another Evaluator3D object. An Evaluator3D plane is used here to do feedback and blur the inputscreen.


Donkey alien world (87 KB)

How to let a 3D object fly through the Donkey tunnels.

Donkey strawberry (6 KB)

Another Donkey example.


Text3D 'PRO' (4 KB)

Shows how to get a nice lighting effect by subtracting the second texture and how to insert a Text3D into an existing 3D scene (Evaluator3D in this case).

Text3D starwars (15 KB)

Just a little example of the starwars scroller.


ImplicitBeast wobble cube (8 KB)

Transparent cube that gets distorted by the 'Melt' Warp-effect.


rotating WAX dings (241 KB)

WAXRotate and TimeBlur are used here to get a crazy self-morphing 3D thing.

WAX ElectroPrison (2 KB)

The magic of WAX - 2D to 3D.
Note: this composition uses the Advanced Package

WAX the unbelievable (23 KB)

Very nice example of how to turn a 2D buffer into a WAX grid.
Note: this composition uses the Advanced Package.


ChromaKeyPRO Xtract 3D (100 KB)

Shows how to use the ChromaKeyPRO in combination with the Xtract plugin to blend a keyed image into a 3D scene. Also uses the Distorter plugin.


Distorter feedback (2 KB)

Shows how to use the Distorter for feedback effects.
